About DuraPol

In the early 1990’s scientists at the University of Leeds worked on novel techniques to produce polymers with unique anti-degradation properties. Some years later and with limited resources the scientists established DuraPol Limited. Continuous research led to the development of a unique hybrid polymer coating. They had molecularly fine-tuned  the coating to withstand extreme processes for longer in areas where other coatings were prematurely failing.

Our aim is to continuously strive to push the boundaries of what can be achieved with an ambient cure coating. The policy of continued improvement is made possible by maintaining close ties with acedemic institutions and employing highly talented Polymer Chemists who understand the underlying molecular mechanisms responsible for the way macroscopic coating properties can be positvely manipulated. The result is that we can offer our clients the latest and best coating solutions to fight corrosion.

DuraPol has state of the art manufacturing facilities which operate in accordance with ISO standards. Each batch is traceable and meets with strict production specifications time after time. As a responsible manufacturer we always put the environment first and ensure our employees are fully trained in the tasks they are delegated.

Apart from developing and manufacturing coatings we also offer a complete maintenance solution to prevent corrosion, including:

A policy of forging strategic alliances with engineers and applicators approved by DuraPol has provided our clients with a single source solution and a high standard of service. DuraPol Technical Service personnel can provide training to and work with on site contractors anywhere in the world.

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